Orctober – A squad of Citadel Orcs

Today I finished my squad of orc warriors for Azazel’s Orktober Unit/Squad Challenge.

These figures are all Citadel/Warhammer from a couple of decades ago. 6 typical orc warriors with swords and 4 orc “bigguns” with sword and shield. Plus a single goblin spearman as a mascot. The goblin got missed when I did my earlier group of goblins because he’s a different sculpt and the only one of his type I have.


2018-10-14 Orcs-1

Following my research on orcs in RPG’s I started these guys off differently to my previous orcs. I mixed a mid grey with flesh to paint their skin and was very happy with the way they looked. I’m inclined to do the same in future, with perhaps a little more grey.


2018-10-14 Orcs-2

I used the same fushia for pants, brown for boots and red belts to match up with the previous group of orcs. The standard warriors have a similar (but not the same) brown shirt to the previous warriors. All have a green tint (Army painter ink, green tone) over gunmetal for their metal shoulder plates, to tie them in with the two orc champions that I’ve previously painted.


2018-10-14 Orcs-3

2018-10-14 Orcs-4


I spent a bit more time and effort on these compared to the previous orcs and goblins – mostly because they are slightly more detailed sculpts. I’ll also be away for two weeks near the end of the month and don’t expect to get anything else painted before I leave. I don’t really feel like starting anything else, but there’s 14 kobolds on my desk (mostly reaper bones) that I’m thinking of at least giving a base colour to.